The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), in collaboration with the American Thoracic Society presents a 8-part webinar series on the implementation of quality measures. Recognized leaders in the field discuss the benefits, challenges and practical application for developing a quality measures program.The 2016 AASM accreditation standards require sleep centers to demonstrate quality measures for patient care. Reimbursement policies are increasingly dependent on the demonstration of improvement in quality of care. Learn about practical tools to help you measure and document the quality of care you provide to patients with sleep disorders.
Webinar Topics:
Basics of Quality Measures (Presenter- Dr. Tim Morgenthaler)Practical Implementation of Quality Measures in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Presenter- Dr. Sanjeeve V. Kothare)Practical Implementation of Quality Measures in Insomnia (Presenter- Dr. Jack D. Edinger)Practical Implementation of Quality Measures in Narcolepsy (Presenter- Dr. Lois E. Krahn)Practical Implementation of Quality Measures in Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Presenter- Dr. R. Nisha Aurora)Practical Implementation of Quality Measures in RLS (Presenter- Dr. Lynn Marie Trotti)Advanced Implementation of Quality Measures Tools (Presenter- Dr. Sharon Schutte-Rodin)Implementation of Quality Metrics and AASM Accreditation (Presenter- Dr. Steven Altchuler)
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
Estimated time to complete: 8hrs.Target audience: sleep medicine professionals, general medicine physicians managing sleep-related disorders, APRNs and PAs working in sleep medicine, pulmonary physiciansRelease date: 10/01/18