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Your Home Sleep Apnea Test Patient Education Brochures (50 brochures)
Patients about to perform home sleep tests often have many questions. This brochure addresses what a patient can expect when they are scheduled to have a home sleep test (HSAT) to help diagnose obstructive sleep apnea. The brochure reviews the full process of the HSAT including preparation, set-up and post-exam diagnosis. A brief overview of obstructive sleep apnea including signs, risks and treatment options is also presented. Topics covered include:
  • Do I need HSAT?
  • How will I get my HSAT equipment?
  • What should I do the day of my HSAT?
  • How do I use my HSAT device?
  • What happens after my HSAT?
  • Why would I need an in-lab sleep study?

Sample Brochure

Personalized Brochures for AASM Members

AASM individual and center members can personalize their patient education brochure orders to include their contact information printed on the back of the brochure. For design guidelines or to download a template/order form view the personalized brochure page on the AASM Store

8 pages. ©2014 American Academy of Sleep Medicine

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