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AASMF Grand Rounds: Clinical implementation of a program to improve PAP treatment of sleep disordered breathing among Veterans
This grand rounds series will feature AASM Foundation-funded work related to improving patient care and sleep health awareness. Learners should attend the seminar series to understand practice and sleep health gaps, and how the AASM Foundation-funded work addressed those gaps through project findings. Objectives of the presentations will be to disseminate knowledge, potentially change practitioner behavior, and improve patient outcomes.
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
  1. Explain the rationale for implementation of an educational program as part of routine clinical care for older individuals who are novice positive airway pressure (PAP) users
  2. Understand the impact of a PAP education program on PAP use metrics
  3. Describe patient-identified barriers and facilitators of PAP use

Monical Kelly, PhD
Dr. Monica Kelly is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at UCLA and a Research Health Scientist at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System's Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center. A licensed clinical psychologist with board certification in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Dr. Kelly’s research focuses on sleep interventions for older adults, PTSD, and the links between sleep, cardiometabolic health, and mental health outcomes. She currently leads an NIH-funded study on the cardiometabolic benefits of CBTI in older adults with PTSD. Additionally, she received an AASM Foundation award to develop programs supporting sleep apnea treatment adherence in older adults, which she will be discussing today.   

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Dec 04, 2027
Credit Offered:
0.75 CME Credit
0.75 AASM CEC Credit
Contains: 2 Courses
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